ASR newsletters and blogs

The Record

The Record is a monthly newsletter that ASR uses to deliver information to staff across the Twin Cities campus that pertains to projects, initiatives, policies, and systems in which ASR leads, owns, or has been involved. To subscribe to the newsletter, join The Record Google Group. You may unsubscribe by leaving the group.

Read newsletter archives on The Ledger blog.


Scheduling Update

The Scheduling Update is a monthly newsletter sent to schedulers that is specific to the Twin Cities campus. This newsletter is closed.

Newsletter topics include news and upcoming dates for classroom scheduling, room assignments, classroom renovations, and information about scheduling software.

Read archives on the OCM blog.


News and Notes

News and Notes is a bi-weekly newsletter that ASR uses to deliver administrative and work-related information to internal staff. This newsletter is closed.


Training Update (discontinued)

The Training Update was a monthly newsletter sent to PeopleSoft users, members of the ASR Training Update Google Group, and key contacts from system campuses. This newsletter was discontinued on 10/17/19.

Read archives on the Training Update blog.


If you have questions about ASR newsletters and blogs, please contact the ASR UX & Content Strategy Team at [email protected].