One Stop Student Services

One Stop Student Services provides quality, professional service in support of students' academic and financial objectives. One Stop counselors are experts in registration, financial aid, academic records, billing, financial wellness, and veteran services.

Service is provided at two locations: East Bank and St. Paul. Service is also provided via email and phone. For more information, visit

View the 2022-2023 ASR One Stop Student Services Annual Report

One Stop units

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Graduate Student Services and Progress (GSSP)

GSSP is the primary contact for graduate students after they have gone through the admission and registration processes for a graduate program. The unit advises faculty and students concerning graduate education, policies, and procedures.

Find more information about GSSP. 

University Veterans Services (UVS)

UVS assists student veterans, servicemembers, and their dependents with GI Bill benefits, and questions regarding other state and federal educational benefit programs. UVS also connects student veterans and servicemembers with community and University military resources.

UVS office
320 Bruininks Hall
[email protected]

Financial Wellness

Financial wellness is a financial literacy outreach program at the University of Minnesota Twin Cities. Staff who work in the program engage students in conversations about their finances and the impact their decisions can have on their financial futures. 

Student account assistance

The Student Account Assistance (SAA) team provides billing and collection support for all Twin Cities, Morris, and Crookston student accounts, as well as for several other loan programs. The team also provides exit counseling for all major student loan programs. 

One Stop leadership

Julie SelanderDirector[email protected]612-625-6579
Stacey TidballAssociate Vice Provost, ASR and University Registrar[email protected]