Registrar's Advisory Committee (RAC)

The Registrar’s Advisory Committee (RAC) serves as a consultative body to the director of Academic Support Resources (ASR). RAC members collaborate with ASR to improve critical services for students, faculty, and staff including:

  • Process improvement
  • Policy clarification and recommendation
  • System enhancements
  • Reporting features

RAC meetings

A virtual meeting is held every other month on the first Monday (moved to the second Monday if the University is closed on the first Monday.) For months when there is no virtual meeting, Academic Support Resources provides written updates to the RAC Google group and hosts drop-in office hours for anyone with questions.

RAC Google Calendar is available. Invites and event updates are sent to the RAC Google group. This is an open meeting and all interested parties are encouraged to attend. Attendees come from each college and many departments throughout the Twin Cities campus. Meeting minutes are publicly available.

Meeting goals

  • Develop connections across programs, departments, and colleges.
  • Offer participants the opportunity to provide recommendations to ASR for best practices and changes for systems, processes, and policies related to areas of focus.
  • Ensure that ASR, the Office of the Registrar, One Stop Student Services, Office of Student Finance, Office of Classroom Management, and ASR’s Information Technology unit as well as the Provost and Office of Undergraduate Education are providing meaningful support and services to collegiate staff in their role of supporting the University’s mission.

Join the RAC Google Group

Meeting time, location, and agenda are distributed through the Registrar's Advisory Committee Google Group.

Join the group